APO San Francisco 96370

9 June 1969

SUBJECT: Exit Interview Departing Personnel

LTC Douglas S. Smith
Commanding Officer
2d Bn (Mech), 47th Inf
APO 96371


1. The 19th Military History Detachment has been charged with performing the research for the writing of the history of the 9th Infantry Division. One of the better mediums for acquiring historical information is the conduct of exit interviews with departing key personnel.

2. A record of your experience as the Commanding Officer of the 2d Battalion (Mechanized), 47th Infantry would be of significant historical value.

3. An interview on your tour as 2-47 Commander would be conducted by a member of the 19th Military History Detachment. Subject matter, scope, and classification of the interview are to be established at your discretion.

4. The interview may be conducted in as many sessions as you desire, and at times and places of your choice. The interview will be taped at the earliest time convenient for you. A list of tentative areas of discussion is attached for your consideration.


1 Incl





9 June 1969

SUBJECT: Exit Interview, Departing Key Personnel


Q(1) Please state, your name, rank, service number and duty position.

Q(2) What was your assignment prior to assuming command of the 2d Bn, 47th Inf?

Q(3) What assignments and prior training have you had that you feel helped you during your tour as a Battalion Commander?

Q(4) During your tour as a Battalion Commander what significant problems did you face and how did you deal with them?

Q(5) Did your concept on how to defeat the VC change? Did you use tactics and strategy that you expected to use? If tactics and strategy were different, how were they different?

Q(6) Did you develop any new strategy or tactical doctrine for counterguerrilla operations?

Q(7) Would you comment on the Rules of Engagement; have they hindered us, helped us, are they realistic?

Q(8) Did your experience as a Battalion Commander cause you to change any of your ideas on training for a counterinsurgency war?

Q(9) Would you care to comment on the sniper program and its affect on delta warfare?

Q(10) Would you define your concept of "body count"? How does your definition compare with others with which you are familiar?

Q(11) Please discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a mechanized infantry battalion operating in Long An Province as compared with a standard infantry battalion operating in a similar area.

Q(12) What is your impression of the ARVN units which you have become familiar?

Q(13) What planning, management, and leadership did you find most effective in the accomplishment of your job as Battalion Commander?

Q(14) What problems did you encounter in the area of administration and logistics? How were these problems dealt with?

Q(15) Were you satisfied with the equipment you were given to fight the VC? Was it sufficient as to quantity and quality? What changes would you like to see effected?



9 June 1969

SUBJECT: Exit Interview Departing Key Personnel

Q(16) What is your appraisal of the average 9th Infantry Division soldier, his strengths, weaknesses, and performance in a combat role against the VC? To what factors do you attribute his strong points, weaknesses, and performances?

Q(17) Do you care to comment on the effectiveness of the intelligence system and the effect it had on your battalion's operations?

Q(18) What would you consider to be your Battalion's most significant accomplishments during your tour as Commander?

Q(19) Would you care to comment on your working relationship with your Brigade Commanders, your subordinate commanders, your principal officers?

Q(20) Do you care to open any new areas of discussion or to amplify any remarks mad thus far?

Q(21) What do you consider the security classification of this interview, and what downgrading instructions should be placed on it?

Q(22) What restrictions, if any, do you wish to impose on the availability of this interview for historical research and general reference?

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