To assist military and public organizations in creating a more impactful, dynamic, and historically detailed commemoration event, the U.S. Army and Department of Defense provide options, based on availability of resources, that can be used to cater to each individual event.
The U.S. Army Center of Military History (CMH).
Explore the CMH Revolutionary War website for historical information. Contact CMH at the following email if you are interested in one of the following CMH resources:
- A Tour of the National Museum of the U.S. Army Revolutionary War 250th Exhibit
- CMH Historical Booth
- Pamphlets, flyers, poster boards, videos
- “Unpacking the Revolution” replica uniforms, gear, weapons
- Army Historian led Staff Rides for military units
- Army Historian led Battle Talks (Where staff rides are not an available option)
- Army Trails webpage
- CMH led Historical Marches available to the public
- Army Museum tours and lectures
- Historical videos for social media and educational use
U.S. Army and Department of Defense.
Organizations, military and civilian, must complete DD Form 2535 (Request for Military Aerial Support) or DD Form 2536 (Request for Armed Forces Participation in Public Events Non-Aviation) and send to the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs Community Relations at least 120 days prior to the event.
Email completed DD Forms 2535 and 2536 to:
- U.S. Army Old Guard – 3rd Infantry Regiment
- Fife and Drum Corps
- U.S. Army Drill Team
- The U.S. Army Band – “Pershing’s Own”
- U.S. Army Field Band
- Continental Color Guard
- Commander-in-Chief’s Guard
*See the attachment below for a full menu of options from the Old Guard
- Other U.S. Army Unit Bands (Local Army units in the Active, Reserve or Guard components)
- Flyovers (Fixed wing and Rotary wing)
- Military Equipment displays – from local Army units (Active, Reserve and Guard)
- U.S. Army Unit participation – Units with Lineage to the Revolutionary War
- Senior leader participation
- USAREC participation